Love God Love Our Neighbors Love Each Other

Love Ypsilanti Mission

Join with us and support our Mission

Families in our Community are struggling to make ends meet

Rising Prices and stagnant incomes make it difficult for many families to afford essentials. According to Federal statistics, the incomes of nearly 50% of working adults in the 48197/48198 zip code areas are not nearly enough to pay all the bills and provide food security. When a car breaks down, or a major appliance needs repair, or when a family member is hospitalized – it can be devastating to a family’s budget. We believe families should not have to worry about affording basic needs. We want to make the unaffordable – affordable!

The Love Ypsilanti Mission exists to help families meet these needs. Faith Lutheran Church, Cross and Resurrection Lutheran Church, University Lutheran Church. Growing Hope, and Willow Run Acres are combining our efforts to help our neighbors.

The Love Ypsi Diaper Pantry began in January 2025. Our community garden will be planted this spring. A free community dinner will be regularly scheduled to get to know our neighbors and to get your input. And a food bank for area Veterans is in the planning stages. We’re just getting started and hope to keep growing.

Love Ypsilanti Diaper Logo hyperlink to diaper page
Image of assorted diapers
Image of community garden logo hyperlink to garden page
Image of community garden
Image of veterans food bank logo
Hyperlink to food bank page
Image of assorted vegetables

Help your neighbors. Help us to better our community.

Image of Cross and Resurrection Church sign hyperlink to Cross and Resurrection webpage
Image of University Lutheran Chapel hyperlink to ULC webpage

University Lutheran Chapel

Faith Lutheran Church – Ypsilanti

1255 E. Forest Ypsilanti, MI 48198


 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”


Mark 12:30 – 31